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Community Outreach and Fundraising

Community Education and Fundraising can consist of many different types of work such as staffing an information table at schools or health fairs, giving presentations on sexual assault in front of groups, publicizing our services, organizing a house party to raise money for RTS, stuffing envelopes, and participating in our annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) Walk.

For more information about fundraising, please call Emily Abrams at (650) 652-0598 x14 or email Emily at

For information about Community Outreach, please contact .

Join Our Board of Directors

Serving on the Board of Directors for Rape Trauma Services affords the opportunity to be part of a vibrant organization that is growing and evolving. Our Board members are integral to our efforts to create new ways of working while maintaining structure and process that is consistent with our values of equality and healing.

If you would like to hold a seat on the Board of Directors for RTS, or if you know of someone in our community who you believe would be a good candidate, please email to receive an informational packet and application.